Muscle and cardiovascular strenghthening with a single gym accessory: Russian Black Kettlebells by Lacertosus® allow you to perform a complete workout. These are not a fundamental tool for those who perform Cross Training, and the Russian Black Kettlebells of our brand, thanks to the great attention they are made with, are the first choice for all boxes in Italy and Europe. This certainly does not mean they are not suitable for Home Gyms. We must not forget that, thanks to the completeness of the exercises that can be done with kettlebells, this tool should not be missing, not even in the most humble home gyms. How are Lacertosus' kettlebells made? First of all, they are black with an attractive design and unique finishes. These are cast iron weights, all in a single piece, with a cut tolerance of reduced weight to a minimum and a shape of the handle designed specifically to favor a stable and safe grip even for the most extreme of the WOD, for any hand. To distinguish the various pieces there is first of all, the engraving in plain sight on the body of the kettlebell, as well as, to identify them even with a quick glance, the colored bands at the two edges of the handle. In short, even in this case Lacertosus' obsessive attention to detail becomes explicit: how could it be otherwise? Our Russian Black Kettlebells are the result of 10 years of research and development, to place only the best kettlebells in your hands!
Ghirie Russian Black
In short, if you want to improve your performance and your muscle tone, our Russian Black Kettlebells are an urgent need that you can no longer postpone. If you are starting your first exercises with kettlebells these days, we advise you to choose a weight suitable to your physical shape and opt for easy exercises, in order to become familiar with this new gym tool (it founds its utility on having a more 'demanding' handle than the dumbbells). You should therefore start with the classic kettlebell swings, that consist of bringing – beginning from the squat position – the kettlebell to the eye level, repeating the exercise several times. Another simple, yet effective exercise is the dead lift with the kettlebell. Slightly more complex is the Clean and Press, it requires explosive movements and some coordination: much better, therefore, to begin with light kettlebells to learn properly every single step.